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Diwali Celebrations at The Bharat School

29 October, 2024 07:10 PM


Anu Modi - Diwali celebration at The Bharat School was a magnificent event, replete with a plethora of culturally enriching activities that fostered camaraderie and festive joy among students and staff.
Diya and Candle decoration for Class I and II not only nurtured the moppets’ artistic expression but also imparted insight into the significance of diyas during the Diwali celebrations. Clad in vibrant, traditional attire, they also delivered an enchanting Diwali singing performance bringing a sense of warmth and festivity, embodying the joyous essence of the Festival of Lights.

Students from classes III to VI enthusiastically participated in rangoli making on sheet, borders making, bottle painting, paper folding lamp activities, showcasing their artistic talents. The intricate designs, crafted from vibrant powders, colours and natural elements, transformed the school into a stunning tableau of creativity.

The higher classes VII to IX orchestrated a series of enlightening awareness activities like poster making and slogan writing activities in recognition of the environmental challenges exacerbated by pollution during Diwali celebrations. The objective was to educate students about the ecological impact of traditional festivities and to advocate for sustainable practices.

Engaging assemblies elucidated the profound significance of Diwali, highlighting themes of joy, renewal and interconnectedness. It was an unequivocal triumph, fostering a profound sense of unity and cultural appreciation among all participants. The diverse activities not only illuminated the significance of the festival but also encouraged students to engage in creative expression and social responsibility.

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