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Skincare Tips: 5 Ways to Prevent Rashes This Summer Season  

27 March, 2022 11:28 AM


Summers can be a sensitive time for the body, especially for the skin, as heat and humidity can play havoc. From dehydration, sun burns, tans and acne, to rashes, chafing, boils and itchy breakouts, the summer months can be painful.

If these problems are not treated in time, they can cause redness, pain, burning sensation in the affected area.

Chafing is one of the most common skin problem during summers and is caused by increased friction from skin-on-skin or skin-on-fabric contact and is frequently accompanied by rashes, pain, stinging, or burning sensations. This is adversely affected during the summer because the skin traps more moisture as a result of excessive sweating, and wet skin which leads to chafing. The good news is that this is not a symptom of a serious medical problem and can be easily prevented.

Some of the common causes of chafing and rashes in summers are extended exposure to direct heat that results in sweaty, sticky skin, tight or ill-fitting clothes, or synthetic fabric that cannot absorb sweat, among others. Besides salt from the sweat, it's the sweat that actually increases the friction and leads to chafing. Salt further aggravates the situation and if these small issues are not handled upfront, they can result in swelling, crusting, bleeding or even fungal infections. The situation can get worse for people who are obese, or those who indulge in a lot of outdoor activities during summers. People with sensitive skin, and those with physiological conditions such as diabetes or thyroid problems, and the elderly who are most sensitive to heat, are also more susceptible to rashes and chafing during summer.

However, it is not very difficult to manage and prevent chafing. Small things, if done right, can go a long way in making this season more bearable and comfortable. Ms. Maharukh T Rustomjee, Chief Scientist and Managing Partner, Amaterasu Lifesciences LLP shares tips to have a rash free summer.

Here are some tips to have a rash free summer

Wear loose clothes made of breathable fabric
The hot, humid weather can lead to an enhanced tendency to sweat heavily, and so choosing tight or ill-fitting clothing should also be avoided. Further, synthetic or opaque/ heavy fabric can irritate the body and cause friction in some areas, causing chafing and rashes. Choose comfortable and breathable clothes made out of sweat-wicking materials like cotton, and linen.

Hydrate well
Summers generally requires one to be well hydrated so as to avoid heat strokes and dehydration. With the heavy sweating and the extra efforts that the body needs to regulate temperature, water and fresh fruit juices are vital. Dehydration can also cause acne, itchy breakouts, and deposition of toxins on the skin pores that are thrown out in the sweat.

Anti-rash creams
Use of anti-chafing products like skin gels and anti-chafing creams on the chafe prone areas like inner thighs, groin, armpits, underarm, underbra, toes, etc. can reduce the risk of chafing. While petroleum jelly based products have been used conventionally to prevent chafing that wear out very fast, the new age skincare products with silicone based barrier protection technology, have proven to be excellent in preventing chafing and providing long lasting protection to skin. The silicone based gels form water repellent film that keeps sweat away and helps reducing friction.

Have a healthy diet
It is especially important to follow a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables and plenty of water, during summers. Processed foods, fried and spicy food, red meats and certain types of nuts, when consumed, are known to generate more heat in the body and thus should be avoided. Excess consumption of beverages like tea, coffee and alcohol also cause dehydration, and can aggravate rashes. Maintaining a clean and healthy diet will not only keep the body healthy from the inside but also from the outside.

See a doctor
Skin chafing may occur despite your best efforts for causes beyond your control. Inspect your skin for signs of infection, such as redness, blisters, lesions, abrasions, and wounds, on a frequent basis. Chafing and rashes when left unchecked and untreated, can develop into bacterial or fungal infections and then may require extended medical attention. Consult a dermatologist right away if you detect any changes in the color of your skin and take action before any major infections can take hold of the skin.

While the above are tips are applicable to better management and prevention of chafing, most of them can be rendered ineffective once chafing or rashes have considerably spread. Chafing is an unpleasant truth that many people overlook, and it can seriously disrupt your day-to-day activities and busy lifestyle. To avoid being rubbed raw, one must combat both friction and humidity. Hence being vigilant and preventing it with a proactive approach is highly recommended.

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